when Subroza said for you comment about professional games, you should be diamond (when ascendant didn't exist), maybe he was right when i see Melão talking shit
Não suporto, simplesmente não suporto esse cara. Nunca impliquei tanto com um comentarista, seja no futebol ou em qualquer outro esport que assisti na vida, quanto com ele. O cara é meticuloso em fazer comentários que me irritam, ontem no jogo da Sentinels o Zekken tinha usado a pantufa da Raze pra escapar(foi uma jogada até bonita) e o fudido me solta "caramba haha, duvido que esse cara sabe onde tá hihi, duvido". Não é nada ofensivo, somente o tom e as frases que esse cara escolhe pra falar me irrita.
eu nunca nem vi o Melão jogando uma partida de valorant. O Xrm também era alguém que não entendia direito do jogo quando começou a narrar, mas tudo bem, a função dele não é tanto comentar, então eu acho mais tranquilo e eu tbm curto a personalidade dele, porém ele começou a jogar e se dedicar a entender o jogo pra se aprimorar na profissão dele
there is a very strong correlation between your elo and your knowledge of the game, but it's not a necessity, especially if you were a good player of a similar game. There are things you only learn from experience, it's inevitable. I would never say that a commentator who doesn't have a background in a similar game and has never reached a high level knows more than a professional player and, similarly, I would tend not to say that someone with that profile knows more than a high level player. Although there is the possibility that the commentator understands more than the professional player or the high level player, it is very unlikely. It's not a necessity that you need to be a high elo to understand the game, but denying that there is such a strong correlation is crazy.
I don't think a caster necessarily needs to be high elo or have been high elo in a very similar game, but I think it's preferable that they hire commentators like that if they're the analyst type. For me, a commentator needs to bring something extra and it doesn't necessarily have to be a technical look, I wouldn't have problems if the commentator was a charismatic and/or funny figure too, for example
at the end of the day i slightly disagree with Subroza, the topic was more about the Brazilian commentator Melão