Fun facts about Indonesia

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Indonesia has the world’s biggest ‘young’ population
Indonesia is the home to 165 million people under the age of 30, compared to only 8% of the Indonesian population being older than 60 years of age. Although a relatively effective family planning programme was implemented in Indonesia in 1964, Indonesia’s population growth is projected to surpass the present population of the United States should nothing change.

Indonesia and Monaco have the exact same flag
A strip of red at the top and a strip of white at the bottom, the Indonesian flag hardly seems the most creative or the most painstakingly thought-out in the world. While Poland’s flag is the reverse flag (white on top and red on the bottom), Indonesia and Monaco have completely identical flags, the only difference being that Indonesia’s flag is slightly wider.

Indonesia still enforces the death penalty - by firing squad
Capital punishment methods in Indonesia have not changed since 1964 and the death penalty is enforced only in very severe cases of drug trafficking or murder. Prisoners often spend a long time in jail before their death sentence penalty is carried out. This occurs after trial court, two appellate courts and then the consideration of clemency by the Indonesian president. Failing all of this, prisoners and their families are given 72-hours’ notice of their pending execution that usually takes place on Nusa Kambangan Island. The prisoner is woken up in the middle of the night, blindfolded and taken to an unknown, remote location where they have the option of standing or sitting, and are executed by a firing squad of armed soldiers.




and full of recist playing vcitim...


Indonesia still enforces the death penalty
we are same bro

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