a lot of JP people is in his stream rn 💀 someone said
in his chat lmao
it means ally/teammate bro not world war
Tau anying... Becanda doang gw karna Jepang kan dulu...
Speak english. what are u saying ?
I am korean
I knew. I'm just joking because Japan history
gak maksudnya "lu mau bikin ngamuk teammate lu di rank lagi kah?"
Cuma becandaan doang.. Kurang lucu kayaknya... Tau gua
gw gak ngerti maksud "sekutu vs poros" njir maksudlu axis vs allies? bruhhhhh
Kayak beda side gitu.. versus-an. Dahlah ntar masalah kagak enak
HAHAHAHA why not fl1p speciality
there's like three ppl, but yea I was being hyperbolic when I said "a lot"
one guy is spamming this lmaoo 日本人に差別発言したよねお前🇯🇵🇯🇵🇯🇵🇯🇵🇯🇵🇯🇵
You made discriminatory remarks against Japanese people, didn't you?
JP banning fl1pz from the country KKKKKKKKKK
Indo vs Japan hmmmmm where I've seen this before????? 💀💀💀
rare pacific drama kkkkkkkkk
whats his twitch
he streams on yt
hes npc
itu fansnya bani pada ngespam emote telur buat nenggelemin komen orang jepang, lucu banget anjing WKWKWKWK
anjir hahahaha
menit berapa btw bang?