- Fnatic is a super team and NA doesn't have one
- Luck was on Fnatic's side
- we know EG loses first then dominates
1- EMEA owns Fraudmericas
2- APAC owns Fraudmericas
3- Fucking China owns Fraudmericas
4- Average nearest Airport fans coping
They couldve assembled their own superteam too no? They didnt tho and yet theyre still crying lmao
Oh and Fnatic didnt do a PSG. They had Boaster, Derke and Alfajer on their lineup and all of them are players that Fnatic developed and no one else. They didnt fucking buy anyone apart from Chronicle as Leo was a unproven talent aswell and alot of those NA dumbfucks called Leo a shit pickup at first 😭😭😭.
Now that leo is performing well, fnatic is a superteam all of a sudden 😭😭😭
Peak NA brain.