Honestly he is okay againts mid tier team, but 100T won't be top If they keep Hiko . -Hiko+Crashies
u want to merge 100T and NV?
why would envy give away crashies? man single-handedly carried that first half vs HL
*Vivo Keyd
my bad
Rather get EEIU from NRG
Hiko overrated asf
wtf?? why does it do that, i put a minus infront of hiko and steel and + inforn of shahz and dapr. enigma pls fix
-Hiko +bcJ Why would Crashies join 100t from Envy ? Envy has more potential than 100t.
saw this after hiko clutched kekw
a round's a round
yea just said cause this was coincidence but I agree that its a weakness
Clutched :)).how was it a clutch ? He played really bad this series , totally no impact
I did not say that he's good
clutch for what? still useless no impact
I said that cause it was coincidence, I agree its a weakness brr