nonamer singer
I'm giving u the hidden gems bruv this is why you couldn't get your tokyo visa
pretty good actually, 8.5/10
thanks daddy
band rehearsal when? 🐣
Good song
its not that bad (6.5/10) wouldnt listen to it again though
theres like too much leading up to the big beat but then the big beat is like two seconds long
and the voice was like too scratchy at some point
Really good. I give 9.5/10
thx kuuga!
Huh? This was supposed to be a private thing between the two of us
Don’t expose what we’ve been doing in the back door 😭
God dammit, you edited
idk what blud is waffling about tbh 🐣
Nice song, haven't liked that much post-hardcore outside of touche amore but this is solid. You ever listen to Circle takes the Square?
I haven't yet
trail of dead is still my favorite post-hardcore
not bad at all i appreciate you lil brother 🥰🥰