2022 DRX & 2023 DRX

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I just miss the 2022 drx at champions man… I feel like that was when everyone was truly at their peak at an international tournament. They won 2-0 fpx with the first map won 19-17 and 2-0 furia with an insane comeback on the first map and won 16-14 (both maps being ascent), plus went as far as placing 3rd in playoffs. It just felt very frustrating to watch them underperform at masters Tokyo because I know they are capable of doing so much better. I hope the team can resolve whatever’s going on and bounce back at champions 2023.


kick termi and give stax some mental health break term off this season, blud is tilted af
meanwhile play with fixed roster of zest and foxy9 so they can actually develope some chemistry

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