============= Trash Tier (F) ====================
30 - DFM
29 - KC
28 - Heretics
27 - MIBR
26 - Koi
25 - BBL
24 - Kru
============= Barely not Bottem (D) =============
23 - 100T
22 - Talon
21 - RRQ
20 - Global Esports (fighting)
============= A Step Away (C) =================
19 - Vitality
18 - Leviatan
17 - Zeta Division
16 - Gen.G
15 - Giants
14 - Navi
============= Globally Grouped (B) ==============
13 - Furia
12 - Team Secret
11 - Sentinels
10 - Fut
9 - T1
============= They had 2 Rough Games (A) =======
8 - C9
each tier is roughly rated. T1, Fut, TS, Sen, and Furia could be fully mixed up and it'd be fine. However, Navi and Giants are not (imo) to the level of those teams. Just because their at the top of a tier doesn't mean they are compareable to the teams in the above group
F - Trash fucking teams. Kru is the best of em, DFM is the worst, mix around the middle i don't care.
D - A tier of teams that aren't consistent enough to be in C, but are not consistantly trash enough to be F.
C - They have things that, if they fix, I could see them fight HARD in LCQ. Teams like Navi just need to run strats and shit, or teams like Levi have to run less strats that just fucking kill taco in 3 1/2 seconds. Stuff like that.
B - I think these teams could have all filled in for other teams in the group stage of Masters. They are good, but not contend with the playoff teams good.
A - C9 would have beat DRX. That's it. Just got NRG'd and EG'd.
Not ranking playoff teams beacuse, no.
Longer explanations:
B Tier: T1 showed the highest peaks of the teams in B, Fut actually made the masters so it'd be too much of an argument if I put the other 3 above them. Sen, Furia and TS are all very close, but I gave Sen the edge because a) they beat furia and b) i think their roster can peak higher than Furia or TS. I just believe in TS more than I believe in Furia. If EG or Loud win Masters, Sen and Furia are the main battle for that second seed. I hope they can both challenge C9 regardless of the champs slots.
C Tier: All are skilled teams with FUCKING DOGSHIT tactics and protocols. Navi have a great roster but holy fuck they rely more on winning pure gunfights than PRX ever has. Levi just kills taco off in the entry OR they make him solo OP and save when they can't hold the fucking site since they are allergic to doing a retake. It's shit like this from different teams in this tier that makes them C.
I don't care about the other tiers, have a great day.