Unacceptble aspas being happy after losing.... He needs to be mentally destroyed and sacy is the perfect man for the job... No more having fun. Only Win from now on...
Vitality Flair…Aware
Fuck i didnt realize
I think sacy has gone to sentinels mindset( pumping content not trophies)
even so he's greater than your team
Sacy Goat Initiator No doubt, just in a bad team
sacy needs that $$$
mental health is a myth
not a funny joke
ye mb
You should add more emojis to sound ironic, people might think you’re being fr
LOUD sweeping lowers in 3.2.1...
And you woke up
Yeah aspas should look like he’s just lose his job or something,😢😔☹️😞😕😢😔😔🙁😥😪
Like why is he smiling? Does he not realise he lost to evil geniuses?👹🧠 An org with a Cambodian player?🇰🇭🇰🇭🇰🇭
Smh, if sacy and pancada were still here- they’d never let the real loud lose.😒😒😒😒
Unfathomably Based Take