the best thing to do with racism is just ignore it. its such a pitying state to be in. pity on that person who is a racist, the only thing you have going for yourself is that you bask in the delusion that your race is better than X race. if you ignore it, you are essentially telling them that they are worthless and their arguments are worthless. its just schizo state of delusion. when people make it an issue, is when they make it bigger than it actually is. it just means that you actually take their argument to be worth something. thats what the trolls want. its a low level insult, a last resort to when someones completely desperate to bring you down, thats when you know they've lost.
its why i never agreed with "awareness" the only thing you are really doing is bringing a spotlight to the issue to further amplify it. nothing good happens from awareness except if you ignore it, it automatically goes away. awareness is a distraction to make people focus on something instead of actually moving on with their lives and being successful.