will lose to G2
sayf turns up so nats doesnt have to
EDG without KK will lose to DSG
still has smoggy
y0y clears smoggy
prime yay does but not this yay
they still have exalt, the na goat reyna
L take chichoo and smoggy are goated, TL players all suck ass. if sayf inst killing 3 they lose
mibr would 13-2 13-4
You without your mom
Wouldn't be able to post this
my dad too
g2? really? if u were arguing m80 or mxm i understand but g2??
thats the impact Sayf has, Nats pops off once every 5 games, Redgar has no strats other than Sayf go kill, jamppi is decent and soulcas is soulcas + some of their comps are troll
g2 are 5 players all weaker than soulcas lmaoo
bro that doesnt matter, it feels like Liquid cant win a round without Sayf getting 3
g2 is that far behind, they can get dima back and put jamppi on duelist and still win
edit double posting
It'll be hard to play 4v5 vs g2 you're right