- F4Q
KR #2 seed managed to take G2 to 3rd map and give them a run for their money on the last map as well. A few mistakes were made in the last mal otherwise they could have won that as well. Over all I can definitely see them becoming a better team in the coming days.
And FiveK please use skye over Reyna - PRX
They did better than I imagined they would despite being a f0rsaken fan ( haha Indian fan of f0rsaken funny ). D4v41 and f0rsaken where stand out for me , the others need to improve their gun game a bit. But the team has a lot of potential in the future. D4v41's skye flash usage was very good and mindfreak had some moments as well. - VK
So I'm writing this while Bind is going on ( 3-0 for NV ) , so I'm writing this on the basis of how they did on Icebox which was apparently their best Map , but honestly they impressed me. The Reyna ( sorry I can't remember his name ) was a very very impressive rifler. Heat was good as well but needs to work on his overpeeking issue which cost them the round. Definitely the best I've seen from Brazil till now. Their best asset imo is the fact that they play around each other so much and are very good at trading. Crosshair placement is very good aswell.
Do let me know your opinions