ive never seen the union play before. are they good or what
They’re goated but may end up running into the same issues Loud ran into last year
Great potential right mindset and amazing players but lack good competition, all the while NA ascension is competing with franchising teams, so they might be behind the meta and stuff. If they had more time to train with better teams I’d be confident that they could win ascension but considering that M80 and TGRD will probably prefer to not scrim them, I’m not so sure
If you look at their players' stats compared to other teams it seems very average for a team that is dominating the league since the first split. When Loud and Vikings were the best Brazilian teams in the past, they had clear overall dominance and good stats, even Vivo Keyd players had good numbers. Now that the scenario is weak with the best players out because of the franchise, they only look the best of the mid. Maybe Havoc was a good player to look at but now he's out.