Anyone legit fix? I mean how do people feel about Shahz igl , is it just bad team chemistry atm or does this roster need to blow up and rebuild? It just seem like the team is lost or not discipline as split 1.
stream team lmao
no one could aim that game
-shaz +saadhak -dapr +Less -oxy +derke -penny +leo -wippe +mako
that was some real brainpower
spent alot of time in the lab making this
Terrible solution, they would have a huge language barrier
-mako +marved -Less +alfajer -saadhak +fenis
sadhaak can speak english he can stay
-fenis +saadhak
what do u mean bro ? use comm wheel in game... noob
saving strats for lower bracket shahz masterclass
Penny and wippie are terrible, shahz is a questionable IGL
penny is a duelist player, but the role conflict is crazy. he's gotta go for his own sake
discipline, no peeking before util
They had a lot of reads but could never capitalise off of them due to shit aim, and OXG was hitting all their shots
+trent -shahz +tex -oxy +valyn -wippie +jonahp -penny +net -dapr
i dont think having 3 fucking jett players on one team was ever the right call.