Out of all the teams they scrimmed (SMB, Acend, Envy, Vivo Keyd, 100 thieves, Liquid, etc) he thought that Gambit was the best(22:20 in the vod). When they finished playing it wasn't even that F4Q's mental was out, it was just that Gambit played so well they wanted to clap at their performance (18:20). After the scrims apparently, Redgar and the rest of F4Q talked a lot about what they did and to not feel too bad(even showed his stats on vlr to show that he also has times where he can't perform)(19~22 minute mark talking about redgar/gambit). Looks like the F4Q and Redgar had a bonding moment lol.
vod is in korean and has a sub paywall but if you got a way around it his profile is ujjoong