And i'm not saying he 100% is but he's definitely in the conversation
demon1 qw1 something derke aspas
Imo Sayf, Derke and Aspas are the clear top 3 then after that you got qw1, something, Leaf and Demon1 in the convo
Sayf clears everyone except derke and aspas rn
TOP 5:Demon1 qw1 Something sayf leaf
you make it worse everytime you try bro just stop ðŸ˜
who are you?
He mid
He was inthe team last year VRL reverse sweep no?
ya, that was fut vs vit
twisten gotta be the most underrated duelist out there nobody talks about him
Twisten when he shows up, can single handedly win you games
which is a problem. Yeah he is no doubt really good but not consistent.
he is the definition of mid
top 5 is just crazy for now, wait for tokyo
It ain't crazy at all he's definitely up there
hes a top 2 neon. ive not seen a neon consistently get this much impact thats not just creating space.
People just know 2 regions or what , buzz and fox9 and sayaplayer are killing it for more than 2 months but hey 2-3 great matches and demon1 is a top 5 lmao. Americas has the most deluded fanbase
that’s a hot take
I guess
that couldve been possible until something and demon1 showed up