Ranking Maps in current map pool from best to worst 1 - Ascent 2 - Haven 3 - Lotus 4 - Pearl 5 - Bind 6 - Split 7 - Fracture
Fracture is not worse than pearl
criteria- esports watching experience
most garbage is split, that shitter map is impossible to attack in ranked
skill issue
mb then, looks like the issue only affects highly skilled players
the map is attack sided in officials, try again
pearl not last 0/8
Everybody's gonna hate me for this but:
valid list but ascent and split change, split dooky shit water
I didn't like it before but after not having it for a while I started to like it and I didn't have a bad game there. Unlike Ascent where every game is frustrating af idk
bro what.... REAL LIST
1-5 Are Changable but 6-7 Are both stuck dead last.
400 - Pearl
Bind Split Pearl Haven Fracture Ascent Lotus
Split Bind Ascent Fracture Haven Lotus Pearl
Bind Ascent Haven Split Lotus Fracture Pearl