i have seen crazy loud, navi, fnatic, and optic meatriders.
where are the drx baiters?
Idk but eg clears them so It doesn’t matter
none because pacific is full of genuine users instead of dickriders and baiters
Bro we posted same exact second that’s crazy
i guess that's the reason why they haven't won a tournament yet.
I believe in pacific winning though
damn were were close there. at least we got it once
Nah that was me spamming post button on cd
Thanks for the idea, I’ll make alt now 🗿
drx fans too wholesome 🗿
drx fans are mostly normal
even if DRX win it wont be their fans that get annoying, it'll be the rest of the apac meatriders that ride drx's coattails
they'll circlejerk over asia while secretly wanting DRX to fail out of jealousy
True xd it's getting legit boring because they're the only good pacific team 💀