I'm gonna get a ton of hate from BR fans because of this but IDC, the main problem with them choosing an NA team is that a team like MIBR and somewhat Furia now that they're falling got fucked from them switching because apart from the 7 of LOUD+Sacy and Pancada how many really good brazilians are there? There needs to be 14 slots(saadhak the 15th) over three teams and I'd say after those 7 Khalil Dgzin and Mwzera are the only real standout ones. Even after you add in the 2 IGLs that still feels like Brazil already needs 3 more maybe not T1 level guys to play in franchising, and with Sacy and Pancada joining SEN that turned into 5. Not to be a dick to these players but Quick and frz really aren't good, and rglm jzz heat all have their moments but definitely aren't top tier talent in the Americas region. On the flipside, that likely kept down players like Trent, Valyn, Nismo, Zander, Moose, EEIU I can go on and on, which sucks for overall talent pool in the Americas. So not only do they go to SEN and the team shits the bed, but BR has to have an awful MIBR and a good but not great Furia team that if they had one of Sacy or Pancada instead of Quick would be elite. The move fucked over 3 rosters and some NA T2 players that are probably better than at WORST 5-10 guys in franchising.