Forgetting to buy items? AINTNOWAY
we don't need items against EU /s
11-3 🥲
2022 champions winner btw
ok but 11-3🗿
india never go to win nothing, so need to joke about that to fells better
po menor, ingles é esse kkkkkkkkkk
foi mal mano, não conclui o ensino medio kkk
ok but does that change the fact 11-3🗿
Ok man you're making a fool of yourself at this point
am I supposed to be not fool?
Yes you are supposed to be 'Not Fool'
Ok I will try🫡
Sorry i said LOUD has less than 10% chance of beating G2. I wasn't familiar with your game. Although it is best of 3...
g2 is a better team,just a slow start dw
no way sherlock
seems like you needed those items lol
💀 💀 💀 💀
Loud can't win anyway why even bother buying stuff
Brazilians dont give a fuck about LoL If you see one in the internet can be sure it's a bot
truth is, cblol is independent from international championships. most fans just care about cblol, worlds and msi are just an additional (we are trash at it anyways)
cblol always averages like over 100k wiewers
LoL is way way bigger than valorant