- this short guy is a complete joke, he said that LOUD players were completely ashamed and barely looked to each other after got 13-3 in Split, giving the impression that they were hardly down, when actually they talked to each other and thrill themselves to play better
TuyZ: "Acho que no primeiro mapa a gente entrou um pouco desligado, foi uma LOUD irreconhecível e para o segundo mapa, a gente conversou: 'vamos tomar vergonha na cara e jogar certo...', então a gente entrou com tudo e os meninos da EG entraram muito confiantes no segundo mapa, então foi um mapa muito difícil..."
Real translation: I think that in the 1st map we were a little bit distracted, it was a unrecognizable LOUD, and for the 2nd map, we talked to each other like: 'we should be ashamed of ourselves and play better...', so we entered the game with everything we got but EG boys entered really confident into the map, so it was a really tough map
The expression "tomar vegonha na cara" is more an uplifting phrase than a down/sad phrase
Riot needs to change their translator asap