When Jett got nerfed, this game was already heading in the same direction as it is now.
With no easy awping agent, games became less dominated by a single player (with those around them trying to set them up) and relied a lot more on set plays and decentralized strategy This was an era where teams like The Guard or Gambit were able to shine their brightest.
Then, chamber showed up.
Not only did teams have the ability to structure their playstyle around setting up their Awp gods again, but those same vanguards also had the ability to secure flank and gather info across the whole map. By doing so, comps no longer needed a dedicated Awper agent and a dedicated flank-watcher, they could just put the same person to do both things and gain an extra slot for other agents (This is the only reason triple initiator worked on ascent).
Say what you want about Chamber one-tricks, but I think the biggest nerf to Cryo isn't the agent change, it's the strategy change. It's not worth it for his team to set him up to the same extent as XSET did in 2022.
You can see this in the way 100T plays, incredibly methodically, trying to execute their set plays flawlessly and without too much variation. In this kind of team, Cryo's game-sense as someone specializing in taking duels is wasted, he has to fill roles other than main awper at times, and he's lacking in his teamplay and his ability to play the perfect valorant that 100T is trying to accomplish.
He's an aggressive hard-carry made to play slow, methodical valorant.
I sincerely think he would've done way better if he were put on a team like Cloud9 or SEN