Shao dropping a 30 bomb on one of the 2 maps NAVI will play today
No bro, Aspas plays saturday
Didn't ask when the Walmart Derke plays iirc
LOUD 1 champions, EMEA 1 champions
ACEND 1 champions, BR 1 champions Acend = BR
so racist bud
im not playing yet?
or quti just farms navi
SKrossi is not in Korea yet
Good news
yes, derke is playing later
Today the goats play
Stop reading at Yers...
Mwzera is not playing today. Nice try!
Nats is playing today tho, mwzera is #2 after goAts
Shahzam is not playing tho???
yay is not in franchising bro
Ik broski just came back from McDonalds and he cooked me one of the best Big Macs i've ever had
^^^ he gave me an extra chicken nugget in my 10 piece. hes the goat
Sayagoat not playing today he’s playing in two days
TEN Senz not playing today nt
Chronicle is the GOAT
True, quti plays today
Poor mans qw1 sadly