Your dollars couldn't buy the victory, traitors. Sentinels is not Brazil. We Brazilians have a curtain memory, that is the first of your 9 losses. Now, the first BRAZILIAN team will play and we must root for them.
Não adianta tentar conversar com alguém com a capacidade semântica de um canguru manco, nem tenta bicho, o post desde o início já estava fadado a essa parada kekw
Ok, you're assuming that I'm tilted. That's not a crime yet and it's not wrong! I just don't want to be like you and dickride the americans that always bullshitted us
Idk, tell me - as someone who is not on that part of the map - why is being a "brazilian" such a big part of y'alls identity?
highkey xenophobic to discriminate against others like that, no?