Note: this is just my speculation, it could be true, it could be not, we don't know
after being curious & think so hard about why RRQ took filipino players instead a lots of tier 1 players out there, maybe i found the answer
- I just realized the manager of RRQ Valorant is a Filipino
- Based on my experience from following the Dota 2 scene from a long time, i called this filipino politics. when there are more than 1 pinoy in a Team, it will eventually become 3 and 4 pinoy soon cuz they will only suggest other pinoys
- example : if there is 1 non-Filipino person in the team, they will hate and blame the non-Filipino person and they prefer to replace him with a Filipino (this is based on what I heard from dota 2 players)
- so basically what I'm saying is RRQ sign Filipino players because the manager is Filipino, he prefers players from his own country even though there are much better players out there. like how this some no namers PH player even deserver playing at Tier 1 when they can't even compete at their own region ?
what you guys thought ?