Nobody fcking cares lmao, This is not World Cup where Country vs Country is happening Ge is making an attempt so their Best performer actually gets to prove something with actual good players not hanging 5 Indians and Skrossi gets old and GE is hard memed,On what basis are you recommending picks like rvk ? They have not even won against vietnam 2nd seed celebrus lmao
Ge is pvt company and they want to get competitive
Fake fans exposed hard. Keep that 5 Indians and the players you guys are saying washed(seoldam and all) can beat the crap out of them.
Indians have played shit in apac. Getting them on franchised roster straight out of India is like beginner skipping mid levels and directly going to boss mode. It does not work like that.
Irony is that Indian Orgs are not keeping 5 Indians For VCL SA but these bots want 5 Indians in franchise.
How much so called veterans Marzil Sh1vy are doing?
Pick young players on which match base ? Fckn chillcord vs t69 ?
Young players do have talent but they need to play atleast some games before hopping to a franchised roster. People clowning cloud9 for picking American T2 scene( highly competitive) Now imagine (T3 SA picks for franchise ๐)
So easy to sell you nation pride BS.
Some crispy shots in T3 SA and fans have started demanding addition of Indians lmao watch how even hong kong farms our best team this time
Venka techno gave their 10th boards lmao and Other young ones are in college They are not ready to leave country for valo eg- Kohli as Work Visa for Another country + getting good degree are 2 separate things and it is not US where the league is happening in the country itself.