serious question: Has emil done anything ever? Like old Liquid was alright but they were able to fallback on some old sliggy strats. It feels like he has 0 credentials or accomplishments to justify coaching a franchised team other than being doombros brother.
british people just aren't good at competitive games, u have to accept this. boaster is an exception even tho he cant frag too but atleast he has a brain and derke
they have a dedicated IGL now, they had a month after lock in to improve, stop crying and stop defending your fellow countrymen he is not good at this game + i played ranked with him he's awful
No I agree soulcas is the only Brit who isn't an igl but actually is good. Maybe he performed bad this match up but usually he's insane and that's why liquid never got rid of him
Bro but he’s dogshit and has been dogshit forever. You can say liquid look bad overall but these players are notable and good within their role. Soulass is just dogshit and has done noteable. Bro don’t defend him just because he’s a Brit, face the hard truth and accept he’s dogwank it’s simple.
You can't even read or understand the main comment.
Crazy how everyone jumps on him (even though he playing ass)
The whole dynamic and structure of liquid looks dogshite.
Has Emil and regar cooked anything up since lock in? nope.
While you have a point, it does not excuse Soulcass. Truth is he's been playing shit since most of last year until today. He is a part of Liquid's problem, though not the only one.