Prx 2-0 TD Focus me Talon 2-1 team secret
I feel like DFM will wake up today and give PRX a hard time but PRX still wins 2-1. TALON 2-1 TS.
Wtf check match schedule
Two 2-0's for PPRX and GenG
RRQ match is tmr
Prx wins because they have indos, F0rsaken and Mindfreak indonesian Pride. Indos>>>> Any region in the world
Indo<<<<< any other region
Goblok 🤬
Prx 2-0 dfm but if seoldam is in good form it may cause upsets Talon 2-1 secret could go either way but I think talon wins today
If something was playing prx 2-0 dfm (13-0)(13-0)
DFN wont get more then 5 rounds lol..
i wanna see pati and something