sorry i do not understand format very much. is envy and acend going to be in same group? (say acend win and get 1st seed)
depends on acend's seed
one team from each region per group is the only thing I think is guranteed
if seed 2 is made out of 3 emea teams and 3rd na then yes. if seed 2 is made out of 3rd+4th emea team + envy + vision strikers then its 50/50 but I think 3rd NA gets 1st EMEA since i believe vision strikers is getting seed 1
Yes.Last time eu first seed played with na second seed and vice versa. This time the format will be different but the seeding might be same
that wasnt becvause of the seedint tho, everyone had seed 2 besides na first and second, they just played each other because it was by chance