queueK's lock in crowd retrospective


After rewatching the entire bo5, I have to say that the crowd was incredible. It makes the experience so much more real and tangible. Would the event be better if the crowd made the same level of noise for both teams? Yes. Would the crowd be nearly as passionate and loud if they did attempt to support both teams? No. The energy that the crowd brought stems from rivalry, from the competition, from not only supporting a team but "hating" the other.

I prefer the most dedicated crowd over any lesser option despite an evident bias.

Then comes the aftermath - the crowd after their team has lost. I've noticed a lot of threads stating that the crowd left before the trophy was raised - but that's only partly true. The crowd started leaving directly after LOUD's second-place bow / camera moment. The majority of the people however were present for Fnatic raising the trophy - they left during the break for the post-match interview. I think that's entirely fair. The post math interview is, in my opinion, similar to a post-credit scene in a movie. It's something for dedicated fans, of which there aren't many. I've been to many traditional sporting events where it's entirely customary to start leaving immediately after a team wins (though most of these were regular season games as opposed to a grand final) - the trophy raise generally indicates the end of the event. If the TOs wanted a crowd to be present during the post-match interview, I think having a more seamless transition is necessary. During downtime, seeing the stadium empty out even partially triggers a domino-effect-esque reaction where more and more people leave, unwilling to break the trend.

I hope Masters does return to Brazil and I hope a Brazillian team makes it to the final again - the energy is unmatched.

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