Agent Bans


During lock in FNS said that it is hard for teams to try new agent combinations because:
1) if you try a agent like yoru for a week, if it works out, you are good but if it does not you just fall behind the meta.
2) During lockin teams like DRX, Fnatic, Furia came up with some insane comps these will be stolen by the other teams and we will again enter the same cycle.
Valorant feels like
New event ----> 1 team uses insane comp---->teams copy---->teams grind the fuck out of it----->complain the game in not interesting---->new agent------>new event.....
I want to see match ups like DRX vs C9 on icebox or FNC vs Furia on haven instead of NRG VS LOUD 19-19 game

The current scene rewards the teams who copy the comps of other teams and gind the fuck out of it

Like the fracture of old optic, Teams like 100T copied from play to play

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