Why are TR fans toxic towards the Acend social Media Team because of this tweet wtf?? They didn’t even say G2 will win against smb
Why are TR fans toxic towards the Acend social Media Team because of this tweet wtf?? They didn’t even say G2 will win against smb
thats not toxic... yesterday i was playing on NA servers and got in a 4 queue with 4 turkish players that were immortal and radiant in turkey.... they played on 150 ping and we destroyed the other team 13-0 and one other person called the people on my team terrorists and apes. thats toxic... this is a little friendly trolling similar to how dapr t bags his opponenets. they all said HOW CAN HE TBAG NITR0 he won a major. he respects nitr0 irl but in game sen win by getting in ur head and demolishing your decision making... and not giving respect anywhere....