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as a brazilian i am happy with the performance of furia, FNATIC is a super team and there are many Brazilians who don't realize how absurd this team is. I can't even say who is better between FNATIC and NAVI

It could be better, but they've improved a lot since champions and that shows they were working hard.


I agree Man. I think they r in the top 5 of the Americas League


I feel this team isn't ready yet, they just needed a LITTLE bit more to defeat Fnatic.

And we can see that in overtime of Haven, Khalil could have ended the map for Furia, and Mwzera could have ended the map for Furia.

It is always in that little details, this team is ALMOST ready, but It lacks something.

If you see Loud they don't lack anything at ALL:
Superstar Duelist - Aspas
2° Best BR Initiator - Cauanzin
Best IGL WR - Saadhak
Solid clutcher and insane aim - TuyZ.
Best Lurker/Sentinel WR - Less

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