I've seen sloths show more urgency wtf
Yeah bro he gotta go, vitality can actually contend for top 3 emea if he’s off the team
King had ult, if he made noise he woulda lost, if he tapped bomb he woulda lost
if u think that's what people are complaining about ur silver at best
But that’s literally what this post is about??
U guys should root for Leviatan wtf why u r not celebrating Destrian's mistake?
I'm rooting for LEV but that was not good by Destrian from a tactical standpoint.
huh? what fo you mean should lmfao
we are americas now
NA people tend to use sarcasm and ridicule people where SA people tend to celebrate a mistake
people just pointing out bad plays and honestly from destrian really threw that as much as I want Lev to win
He is smart but lacked at firepower. Same goes for bonecold
he's not smart at all i actually find him lacking in game sense more than his aim and that's bad like reslly bad, bro doesn't belong in tier 1 let's not try to force it
I swear to you, get a good controller from EU (PLENTY better than destrian) and VIT has insaaaane potential, their coaching staff goes crazy
bring back baddyg or get a cracked turkish kid and put him on smokes done