This will be the hardest game this Furia players ever had since facing Loud in random events.
Furia will be pressed against the wall at all moments in the entirety of the match, Mazin is a young IGL facing one of the most experienced and hardcores IGLs of EMEA, Boaster the monster.
Dgzin will enter with no fear like any other game, and will do a insane battle against Derke for Survival, If both players get Jett we will have an revival of Heat vs Yay of 2021, but even more insanier because Dgzin is a crazy fella with no fear and that is playing with hate and and Ice in his mind.
Chronicle is better than Khalil, mwzera is better than Leo.
QCK will be facing a guy that have slighty better characteristics than himself, Alfajer, It will be like a mirror match and QCK will be tested to his limits(i'm counting on you arrogant prodigy).
65% of Chance for Fnatic, 35% of chance for Furia.