Dinosaur game disabled

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I rarely get passionate, really passionate about things, usually I over exaggerate my passion for a subject for the laughs, but this time? This time I am genuinely, fucking, infuriated. This is something so evil , it rivals every, single, act of immortality combined.

This text is the most passion I have ever put into something, this is what art and being human is about. This. IS. NOT. a stupid insignificant subject, this is completely serious. The goddamn dinosaur game is disabled, that is a way bigger and more important issue than these mortal, material concerns. The story is this: I couldn’t connect to the internet in my school, so I went to play the dinosaur game… only to find that it was… disabled.

I cannot describe my rage, like at all, I cannot think of any word that would do justice to my rage except of course the word rage. Sure it’s physically impossible to fully describe any experience in language, but this, this is something that even I cannot comprehend

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