I feel like teams dont treat it as seeding and actually want to win since berlin is 4 weeks ahead and new act will have new balance changes most likely. Also its just a big tournament to win after all. Way bigger then challengers
new act comes after berlin dude. BP says 30 days to end! open your eyes! nothing will change until berlin! also riot games to soft on this so called pros! its a shame we see every game with previous patches even the new patches doesnt affect the gameplay. its a totally trash game and whoever expect a great game between 100T and sen is a dreamer! as always the final match will be the biggest troll game ever! random forces, random harcore lurks and all or nothing plays... quality game, quality tournaments, quality SHIT!
no, they expired it for 1 month cuz they are trash af! believe it or not but the DEVs of this game are actually trainees and they are learning with valorant. in short we get amateur devs and producers for this game and this means valarante is justa project to make huge wins with skins and let the trainees have a game to learn with some people actually play. they need 3+ weeks to fix a fucking gap between doors and walls lmao!