Bigetron wins map 1 then fancy reverse sweeps them. Indo fans will be so happy when bigetron wins map 1, then become disappointed when they lose
why u dreaming about T2 val tourneys?
damn its hard to be a latam fan on off season we have nothing to talk about currently but the red bull homeground
riot omegalul
i guess apac off season is not that bad
Its nice seeing franchise teams get grouped in Mickey mouse tournys xD
at least your tier2/3 teams can play dude all the tier 2 orgs on latam are having payheck holders without even performing 💀
So no Mickey mouse tournys?
they dont even get streamed 💀
lol bro that's so true, we need more valorant events in latam
bro is bookmarking this forum out of spite 💀
FANCY wins map 1 then BTR reverse sweeps them. vietnam fans will be so happy when fancy wins map 1, then become disappointed when they lose
FANCY wins map 1 then BTR reverse sweeps them. latam-best222 will be so happy when fancy wins map 1, then become disappointed when they lose