how tf did plat chat rate kru at #2 in power rankings. this was so biased. just coz dryad was there
They looked quite good domestically, it’s just impossible to truly say how they’d stack up on LAN, it’s still entirely possible they make a deep run
yea they didnt drop a map ik. but rating them #2 above teams who competed in better regions like guild g2 and tl. i wont mind if they were #4 but this a bit too much. i am pretty sure without a kru rep, they would've been the #5-6 team
KRU's games against tier2/3 brazilian female teams last month*zpx5um*_ga*NjgyODAyNDIyLjE2NjY2MzY2MDk.*_ga_S1W6V8XNQM*MTY2ODEzMzI2MC4xMC4xLjE2NjgxMzM5OTguNDEuMC4w*_fplc*d1JMZXpOT3g5enVIaDVPaUVqZ1QxbFdYVHUyJTJGOVJIRnhNYWFJeE9MWiUyRkZnMkJ2NGV6aE5QN040S2slMkZJbklLeVZ1cjN4SVVYUW5PY09MNnBKanJiUUJuTVNta2xyMUo3U1dVWVU2OHdONHlGbmp2S3JYWHhvN2YlMkZ1cHUydFElM0QlM0Q.*_ga_4GPST60KC8*MTY2ODEzMzI2MS4xMC4xLjE2NjgxMzM5OTguNDEuMC4w*nbgso4*_ga*NjgyODAyNDIyLjE2NjY2MzY2MDk.*_ga_S1W6V8XNQM*MTY2ODEzMzI2MC4xMC4xLjE2NjgxMzQxMzkuNDguMC4w*_fplc*d1JMZXpOT3g5enVIaDVPaUVqZ1QxbFdYVHUyJTJGOVJIRnhNYWFJeE9MWiUyRkZnMkJ2NGV6aE5QN040S2slMkZJbklLeVZ1cjN4SVVYUW5PY09MNnBKanJiUUJuTVNta2xyMUo3U1dVWVU2OHdONHlGbmp2S3JYWHhvN2YlMkZ1cHUydFElM0QlM0Q.*_ga_4GPST60KC8*MTY2ODEzMzI2MS4xMC4xLjE2NjgxMzQxMzkuNDguMC4w
if people just follow the scenario...
damn lol
there is this tweet too, of a ex-pro b4 player, saying that KRU lost every time against brazilian female teams that are top8 - top10