No, why reduce team comp's potential with agent bans? Everyone will ban Kayo and chamber then which will make it ability dump and limit so many possible plays
hmmm, kayo isn't really preventing ability dump that hard you know, i get what he does but i don't think he was that crucial to prevent it, maybe he delayed
no necessarily. A lot of Chamber players played Jett before, so it wouldn't be that bad. Plus if one team bans chamber then they can't use it either so I don't think most teams would opt for a chamber ban. Most likely the ban would be something in the opponents comp that's not in yours.
If they add more agents YES they should put Bans, for now it's not a bad idea to put 1 agent in rotation
We don't want some GOAT (OW)shit in Valorant it gets so boring Riot is prob aware of this