Honest question to SA fans, why do top orgs from SA like to sign old player rather than a new one? Is there no young prodigy talent in the ecosystem or what? Kohli get hyped a lot but I never see him plays
Oh trust me there is a fuck ton of young talent just sitting their wasting their potential but these top orgs like GE VLT ENIGMA will not pick them up because they have the old csgo pros and they will rely on them until they got 50 year old and if you want a prime example of picking up young talent look at rawfiul, Deadly10 and LF from their respective teams
there are many young prodigies but they aren't given chance cause 'experience' is more important for these orgs so much talent going to waste even skrossi could have improved his gameplay in the course of 2 years so much but he is literally doing the same rookie mistakes he used to do a year ago overpeeking and all