3/6 PH players already... Are they trolling? edit: 5 PH and 1 Indo (Announced) πΆ
its a good thing dude
hopefully they go full PH
Just go full PH already
Why you guys prefer full ph roster over mix indo ph roster?
so that they can laugh at rrq when they lose
also the idea of mix roster is actually braindead move if your roster cant speak english fluently
They definitely doing this on purpose they could've just announce flip or teh but didn't
Lmemore β blaZek1ngβ Monyet β Fl1pzjderβ Tehbotolβ Severineβ
one more indo? they need 6
aren't Lmemore gonna go GEN.G with sScarry?
Most probably he is going GE
no lmao where did you get sscary to geng
fuck i'd rather tehbotol go somewhere else
unfortunately, he's the only indo in rrq lineup now
TS tehbotol lezgoo
Look at the camera , u have been pranked πΈ
W For Player
Why so obsessed with PH players? PH region is literally garbage, they haven't achieved anything at all in 2022. If not even Indonesia, why go only for PH? Thailand, Vietnam, China players also exist. I don't understand.
Ask the CEO, he has that weird obsession
my guy sneaked in vietnam lmao
fancy+crazyguy > team secret
Dubstep destroyed BAAM crazyguy
his mother is indonesian father is filipino. half pinoy half indo
dude if you read more enough, its just not simply about nationality that most of indonesians are complain about these rrq situation....
I mean if they trialed fkn ex TS squad then aight, but who tf is this mickey mouse tourney champions? mans cant even qualified to APAC
im just kidding bro if its not obvious lol. also, im responding to this specific thread about 3/6 ph
KellyS, Flipz &Tehbotol and Lmemore(?) next
lfg RRQ cant wait to see you guys getting fucked up
I mean as a team that made it into franchising these sort of players are the best that they can get?
Oh no they are someone better than them they just dont want to idk why.
more like they just dont wanna spent a single penny to buy out them, simple
yh just a shame really knowing there's possibly more talented players out there and they're settling with this
Nope not even close....
W players, L RRQ
TS Lmemore
GE Lmemore has more chances
im just memeing everyone is TS now
Oh ok carry on xD , TS yay?
TS ShahZaM
TS kellyS
TS Aspas
TS Tony Stark
TS Kanye West
Pretty sad that the PH boys are gonna get collateral from the hate