Holy shit man. These guys are like Walmart Paper Rex but still possibly only team that has cracked aim comparable with the mighty Paper Rex
nizzy owns f0rsaken and jinggg
skroBOT who?
I said, n1zzy > f0rsaken and Jinggg 🗿
He never mentioned skrossi. Man's living in your head.
DA cant even read lol
howd these guys lose to revenant? was it actually a ping diff?
No that was Singapore Server
Pretty unluck clutch in their matchpoint so they had to go OT and lost
Revenant had a really good day lol
Imo, because of their comp, they should've replace Phoenix with chamber/kj
RNT is a good team on neutral servers
If these people caught the attention of Slow of all people, you're doing something on the right path. Fancy United is a menace.
Can I get context
Slow (Knights analyst) have shined light on Fancy's composition and playstyle several times.
Can i have the clips?
On Twitter.
for some reason i get 300 sec interval between replies is this because i got banned by reporting?