SOOO many good NA players left

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Everyone is freaking out a bit but there are still so many good players left in NA. Like EG i think is really lagging it but talent is absolutely there.

Zekken/Will (Entry)
BCJ /Trent (Flex)
Dephh (IGL)
Marved (Smokes)
Bdog/Dicey (Awper)

Like sure, they may not be better than C9 or 100t at face value, and NRG is getting the OPTIC core, but that team I just mention has loads of potential and is really talented. I think all these teams are going to be really good with the amount of talent out there. And I'm sure I'm definitely overlooking or forgetting players. It's just who came to mind on the fly.


TGRD, Shopify, and Ghostbusters players too

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