+cryo, +bcj
+Trent, +dicey
+trent +zekken they will be the most flexible roster in the world
I like this !!!
Who ops?
zekken or leaf or whoever plays Chamber they're pretty flexible.
Add : Trent and Yay (or Zekken)
Add: Zellsis and Scuba ( or Trent)
Most important, This team needs the fill the Xeta role (which Trent can do )
Trent and JonahP is the option for them
+YaY +trent
+trent and +yay, 99% confirmed ,jack told me
I think Xset players want to play all together as the current team
they've made individual LFT posts now
everyone saying Trent but isn't he not LFT yet?
Xeppa Crashies Victor Vanity Cryo
C9, EG, and NRGs best option is Shroud and a bunch of young guns. The fact that Shroud isn't included in 99% of these roster posts is insane. The amount of stability he would bring to a roster long term...
All good.