G2 or NIP better buy out the whole Optic Roster + Chet or im raging
NIP gonna have an Brazilian roster, most likely the same from this year
ok idc then whoever gets the T1/G2/LEV spot should just buy out Optic roster
Most likely to G2 or EG to buy them, but there are some rummors that the team could disband bc of the buyout difference, some orgs could just not afford to buy the entire team
I really hope someone buy them out it would be heartbreaking if they split
I guess Riot really doesn’t like any org who has to do with crypto 😂
they are in denial phase
EG OpTic then?
When does TSM play?
EG should buy out Optic's roster, their old one is already just bad as a T2 team
Rip Optic to eg pls pls pls Pls do it eg
Riot's plan for Ascension league to have viewership