he sent a message on twitter saying to accept #zombsnation in brazil. Will I accept, after the things he said about the Brazilian pro-players?
i will. #zombsnation
i will too. #zombsnation
If he sucks Neymar's cock I don't see a reason to not forgive him.
I'll gladly deal with a lifetime of death threats if I get to suck Neymar off fr
that's not a punishment that's a reward tf
He gets to suck Neymar's cock AND gets forgiveness ??? That's a win-win bro
the world will be in shambles if ShuOreki doesn’t accept zombs’s apology
brazil has to apologize to zombs. u have it mixed up
It sounds like a joke to me. Zombs is a really nice guy and brazil is an awesome place. You can travel the world but it never comes close do Brazil. Ask for those who already came...
no. He's just farming impressions. He was just now showing the Optic 3 - 0 Loud at his stream :)