2:0 drx, sitting that american fluke team down.
here is some kpop for the victory: https://youtu.be/h9hdorPqukU
chill bro fnatic wont get out of groups ^_^
I'm actually an overall fan and really don't care. Went after my flag, eh? cringe again.
european supporting 100t? have some shame.
news flash buddy I'm not European and not even American... Cringe againnn
on top of that, I can support whoever I want regardless of my region. plz reply back I having fun
proves my point perfectly you're not american supporting 100t have some shame
news flash: calling something cringe x3 wont actually make it cringe :clown:
why are u assuming I am supporting 100T? ur post was cringe bruda and I called it out. ur replies are even more cringe. keep em coming tho I am addicted to cringe and baits. let us keep on entertaining ourselves ^_^
name checks out
dont link trash
Nah its trash song
We're Different
if you better
good song choice
should be a good series !
I prefer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWCCnOkODok