How much vp?
idk, the animations feel rushed and kinda unfinished... original reaver skins were satisfying to reload, this looks kinda weird, especially the ghost reload. and as for the knife animations, the only one i kinda like is the white one... all the others take up so much space and add so much colored junk to your screen imo. maybe I will just buy the knife and don't upgrade it/dont activate the other variants when eqipping or something
idk how to explain it but for me Reaver is like a "heavy" skin, maybe it's because I got used to the 1.0 guns, all 4 of them you mostly go for taps instead of spray, while all 2.0 guns are mostly spray and that just feels weird after tapping with the skin for 2 years
also the skins look a lot like Ruination purple variant, they dont feel unique