Future best APAC country?
Current best Although Other sub regions of apac have one team regions which have better teams Like Xerxia for Th Like Paper Rex for Mysg
I mean Bleed didn't do that bad for MYSG But i can see where ur coming from since paper rex is pretty dominant in apac
I think Canada has good potential too
Hello i am from Uzbekistan and my favourite team is M3C
i think they already are the best. even PRX has 2 Indonesians
if we remove PRX and XIA indonesia is the most competitive region of APAC
nah ph more competitive but indo just better
nope, indo better and imagine persija play in stage 1 in sea TOP 6 and after that they cant qualify to stage 2 SEA
well ts was top 8 champions 2021 and not qualify stage 1...
yeah and after that only 1 ph team can qualify to playoff
ph have sent 3 different teams for both challengers though
If we remove the top 8 apac teams, oce is the most competitive region of APAC
I'm showing its dumb to say the most competitive region by removing the most competitive teams. also you don't think ORDER is atleast 9th apac?
damn thats crazy, can you name top 99, I wasn't aware
currently now the most competitive APAC sub region that made the term seed 1, 2, & 3 became more irrelevant
not only indonesian, TH, or VN has same fps gen too
Indonesia has always been the best APAC country imo TH PY have one superteams each MY/SG can never become tier1 without imports
*current best we own the sea region
aren't they already the best?